Race Archive

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The teenage years are vitally important for those with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Shine’s work with teens focuses on promoting understanding that looking after themselves can help to prevent life-threatening health complications as they get older.   

10th February 2023 Teenage Support Virtual Balloon Race

The Parents and carers of babies, children and adults with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and associated conditions hold a vital role in the lives of our members. They are often responsible for coordinating support from agencies including social care, the GP, and other care workers and professionals. 

6th January 2023 Supporting Parents and Carers Balloon Race

Shine’s specialist health advisors provide emotional support to parents-to-be following a diagnosis of anencephaly

4th November 2022  Anencephaly Awareness

Shine’s aim is to engage, empower and enable all our members to have better lives by helping them to share with others their personal experiences of life with spina bifida.

17th October 2022 Spina Bifida Awareness Race

Shine provides specialist advice and information to professionals working in healthcare and education. We aim to deepen understanding of spina bifida and hydrocephalus to provide the best possible outcome for our members.

9th  September 2022 Shine's Professional Support Balloon Race

Shine’s Health Development Team are vital to our approach in supporting all of our members.

1st August 2022 Health Advice Service Appeal Balloon Race

Shine is almost entirely funded by the generosity of the general public. Our balloon races make a significant contribution to our funds every year.


17th June 2022  Go Yellow & Support Shine

Shine supports thousands of adults living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, across England, Wales and Northern Ireland

20th May 2022 Adult Support Balloon Race

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are conditions which arise early in a baby’s development in the womb. NTDs affect 1 in 775 pregnancies in the UK. One type of NTD, spina bifida (literally, ‘split spine’) can cause multiple health complications and bring lifelong challenges. Anencephaly is an NTD which causes an unborn baby’s brain and skull to under-develop in the womb. It is always fatal.

29th April 2022  Shine's Go Folic Balloon Race.