Race Archive
All Finished Races
Race for Carers
Aimed at raising funds to support the unsung heroes caring for those living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus on a daily basis.
January - Shine's Benny & Bella New Year race 2019
A race to raise funds to support our younger members affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus.
November - Shine's This Is Me Race 2018
To raise the funds necessary to continue running our 'This Is Me' club, specifically launched to support our teenage members
Irwin Mitchell balloon race
Aimed at raising awareness of spina bifida & hydrocephalus to colleagues, and beyond, during Shine Awareness Week
October - Shine's Go Folic! Race 2018
To promote the importance to prospective mothers of taking a vitamin B9 supplement prior to falling pregnant
Awareness Week 2018 Race
A fun, affordable way for members and supporters to get involved with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Awareness Week! Take part and help Shine to raise awareness of the conditions, and funds which will help us continue to support more than 11,000 people living with or affected by the conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Organised to enable Shine members to get involved during Shine Awareness Week, in helping raise awareness of the conditions and engaging in a fun event which, in turn, raises much needed funds.
September - Shine's Saving Lives Race 2018
The main objective of Shine's Saving Lives Race is to enable our Health Advisers in the field to support the 12,000 members that we have affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and assist in addressing the issues that these conditions can bring.
Shine's Saving Lives race
To support our Health Advisers in assisting all of Shine's members affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus
August -Shine's Safe in School Race 2018
Raising the funds required to ensure that children living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus have a fulfilling and inclusive educational experience.
Shine's Wheelchair Wonders Race 2017
Raising invaluable funds to service our members' needs.